(1) The human brain takes in 11 million bits of information every second but is aware of only 40.
(2) If you drilled a tunnel straight through the Earth and jumped in, it would take you exactly 42 minutes and 12 seconds to get to the other side.
(3) A medium-sized cumulus cloud weighs about the same as 80 elephants.
(4 ) A single bolt of lightning contains enough energy to cook 100,000 pieces of toast.
(5 ) Gorillas and potatoes have two more chromosomes than humans do.
(6) Human saliva contains a painkiller called opiorphin that is six times more powerful than morphine.
(7) In an average lifetime, human skin completely replaces itself 900 times.
Living Room
(8) The air in an average-sized room weighs about 100 pounds.
Car driving to space
(9) If you were to drive your car to space, it would take about an hour for you to get there.
(10)Lava can flow as fast as a sprinting greyhound.
(11) A red blood cell can make a complete circuit of your body in 20 seconds.