Have you ever wondered how a football player puts a goal bending the ball around a five-person wall? Well, the answer is Magnus’ Effect.
If you spin a ball when you drop it, it will fly through the air as it falls. This is called the Magnus effect, and it makes playing tennis and soccer a whole lot easier.
The Magnus effect is an observable phenomenon that is commonly associated with a spinning object moving through air or another fluid. The path of the spinning object is deflected in a manner that is not present when the object is not spinning. The deflection can be explained by the difference in pressure of the fluid on opposite sides of the spinning object. The Magnus Effect depends on the speed of rotation.
Application of Magnus Effect:
Magnus effect is mainly applied in games like football, golf, cricket, tennis, baseball and many more. This concept is important in understanding the physics behind many ball sports.
Some aircraft have been built that use Magnus effect to lift using a rotating cylinder at the front of a wing, this allows the flight at lower horizontal speeds.
It is used in external ballistics. The combined sideways wind component of the wind causes a Magnus force to act on the bullet.